How to solve Problems


Sometimes we come across sudden problems. Our mind is not ready to face these unexpected troubles. We do somthing which would either be right or wrong. For this we realize later what should we do and what should we don't do. I would like to share an important point which I hope will help you a lot. So whenever you cone across this type of suddden problem, you should wait a minute or 2 to think how to handle it. At this time you will hit some ideas related to your problem. Then you could choose the one which is a better solution. After doing this you will feel comfortable and satisfied. But it is very difficult for the people  to handle such problems in a better way. As we know hardships polish men, so these situations will make you to plan in a better way for future situations. 

   "Hsate makes wastes."

Therefore you should not do hesitation in any matter. There are different kinds of  people. Some think after taking an action and some think before taking an action. Those who think after doing any task have to face problems because most of the time they realized that it was not a good deal. There are some tricks to solve this issue. 

The most important is that you should start thinking that that thing or incident had happened and time is passed away. This moment cannot come again at any cost. Therefore this is not a good idea to repent. So plan for future and start preparing yourself according to it.

I hope these ideas will help you to solve your problems. 

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