How do you turn users of your blog or online site into customers?

The success of online business depends upon the rate of conversion. The greater rate of conversion will help to grow your website. Therefore, you should work hard to achieve this goal. There are few important points that will help you to increase your conversion rate. These steps will be followed from start to end in the same sequence.

1.     Website structure.


Your website structure play an important role to convert your users into your customers. The landing page should be comprehensive and contain all the necessary information that helps a user to understand the purpose of your website. In short, it should be designed in such a way that it represents the overall summary of your website. Website theme and layout should be such as to attract the user’s attention.

2.     Optimize the speed of website.


It is seen that websites that take a lot of time to load will lose its users and hence the conversions. If you are selling very valuable and unique products but your website load time is greater or much poor, then users will leave your site and look for alternatives. Therefore, you should optimize the speed of your website on regular basis to increase the rate of conversion.

3.     Communication with users.


Personal communication is one of the most important points to convert your users into your customers. It will help you to know about the needs and interests of your users. It will also help you to win your user’s confidence. The users will also develop a sense of interest and rely on your products and finally purchase them.

4.     Free trial with limited features.

You should explain all the aspects and features of your product to the users and offer them a free trial. But you should limit the features of your products, so that users can purchase your products to avail all these features. This will help to increase conversion rate.

5.     Special offer to the registered users.


You can create special offers for your registered users to make them customers. For example, you can offer your products at a comparatively low price than the other compatible companies to your registered users. This step will not only increase your conversion rate but also attract non-registered users.

6.     Sending Emails for updates.


You should send Emails to your users to engage them with your services. These Emails will help the users to become aware of all the updates about your products. There is a possibility that these updates will help the users to meet their needs and they will become your customers.

7.     User-friendly website.


The website should be designed in such a way that users can contact easily. The registration process should be simple. The complex procedure can bother your users and you will finally lose them. You should response quickly to your users queries. This will build a strong user-buyer relationship. Hence help you to gain your goals.

8.     Help in decision making.


When a user land on your website, he takes a lot of time to make a decision. Your website content should be such as to help users to take a decision. You should mention to your users how much valuable your products are and why they should purchase them. Your content should create a sense of “call to action” among your users.

9.     Keywords research.


You should do a lot of keywords research to know about the needs of your target audience and provide services accordingly. It will not only help to rank your website but also increase your rate of conversion.



10. Feedback section.

You should include a comment section to your website. It will allow the users to mention their desires and needs. It will also help you to improve your services to meet the users needs. Once you meet your users needs, you can easily convert them into customers.


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